Whether you are exploring the possibility of a diagnosis, new to your diagnosis, or looking for new skills to manage your symptoms, Wounded Birds Ministry is here for you. This community was started after I received my own diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, Type 2. Having a name and explanation for my experiences transformed my life. I am also fortunate that I received fantastic treatment in the wake of the diagnosis. I know that not everyone gets access to the kind of classes and tools that I was offered, and now I’m here to share what I’ve learned with you.
In addition to this website, we are all over social media! Follow us at any (or all!) of these locations:
Also, check out the podcasts:

Where Are You on Your Journey?
I Don’t Have a Diagnosis & I Don’t Know Where to Start
Let me start by saying that I’m sorry you are struggling. Going through our experiences can be overwhelming and scary. Mental illness often affects not only our well-being, but also our family, friends, and careers. Looking for help is the first step to feeling better, and I’m glad you found us!
Based on feedback and my own experiences, I’ve put together a list of resources that I think will be most helpful to you in getting started. I’ve included a few stories from my experiences running support groups as well as to-do articles that educate you on how to get help.
I Am New to My Diagnosis and Want Help
Welcome to the club! Getting a diagnosis often leads to conflicted feelings such as fear, anger, relief, hope, or determination. There’s a lot of advice out on the internet on how to get better and it can be overwhelming. I know; I’ve been there. My biggest fear was trying to get better, getting overwhelmed, and then failing at the entire process. It was demoralizing.
Based on reader responses, I’ve curated the posts that I think will be most useful to you in moving forward with developing a treatment plan. It’s a good place to start; most people find that as they get healthy, the easier it gets to layer in additional steps to your plan.
I Am Looking for Community and New Skills
Yay! I love meeting new members of my tribe! I’m so glad you are here and I look forward to getting to know you better. To help you get started, I’ve put together some of the “greatest hits” we’ve published. These are the posts that readers and community members have indicated are most helpful to them.
Also, I encourage you to meet the larger community by joining the Facebook group. It’s a great group of people and I think you’ll like it there.