Mental Illness, Medications, and Hezekiah
God uses medications to bring about supernatural recoveries. The proof? Hezekiah and the fig poultice.
God uses medications to bring about supernatural recoveries. The proof? Hezekiah and the fig poultice.
“Before we can determine what else is going on, we need to address your depression.” The blood drained out of my face. Depression? Of all the outcomes I expected from this appointment, a diagnosis of “depression” wasn’t even on the list. It’s just not how I thought of myself. Maybe at other times of my life, but not now.”
The Christian community has much to offer those of us living with a mental illness. Unfortunately, three common Christian myths often hold us back.
It can be easy to look at depression, anxiety, and mood disorders as decisions. What happens when a medical issue determines our moods?
As I’ve learned to compensate for the negatives of bipolar disorder, I’ve discovered something incredible: My bipolar disorder is a gift.
The last thing I expected when I published my first book was an identity crisis. Yet, there I was: My book was out and I lost my identity.
Our refrigerator started having issues. I knew it needed to be repaired, but I had no idea that the experience would make me feel deeply stigmatized.
Too often, we look at our history and think it tells us that there is no path forward for us. That’s not true. Your past does not define your future.
I’m still surprised at how dramatically the work I’ve done would change my depression experiences. I never expected to say: This is my best depression ever.
What do you do when a fire takes important family history? How do you move on and rebuild? Grieving can contain a hidden opportunity.
I taught my daughter how to ride her bike. She taught me some key wisdom: Our two hands only hold aren’t limitless. How much are you holding?
Doing the hard work of mental health recovery helps us do more than gain resiliency. It helps us build a better life. A life worth living.
Post-baptism, I spent the next few days in shock at my daring. As much as I knew I believed and my faith was true, claiming the title “Christian” felt dissonant. Yet, here I was, a fully-baptized, genuine believer and follower of Jesus Christ, and I wondered: “What happens now?”