I Should Be Able to Handle This: Ending Chaos
Everyone hits a crisis point, a point at which they look around at their lives and wonder how they got to that point. Life is chaos, and chaos destabilizes.
Everyone hits a crisis point, a point at which they look around at their lives and wonder how they got to that point. Life is chaos, and chaos destabilizes.
“Shoulds” are boundary-crossers. The real problem is when we adopt these external “shoulds” for ourselves. Casting them off can change our lives.
Emotional crises can happen anywhere and under even seemingly simple situations. Learning to manage a crisis scenario is critical.
When we rely solely on the Bible and prayer, we deny that God gave us all of his creation for our use. Our supernatural God uses ordinary means to heal us.
When we talk about getting better, we often define our goal as achieving mental health. But what is mental health? What does it mean to be mentally healthy? How do we know if we’ve achieved this magical goal, the goal for which we hold out so much hope?