There are several ways you can go about getting a prescription, and each have slightly different processes: going to your regular doctor, working through your therapist/psychologist, and seeing a psychiatrist. Whichever route you take, a chat with a pharmacist is a good idea, as well.
God uses medications to bring about supernatural recoveries. The proof? Hezekiah and the fig poultice.
Prescriptions. Scrips. Meds. Pills. Whatever you call them, medicine plays a real role in helping us get to a place of emotional stability. While they aren’t a magic bullet erasing all the symptoms of our mental illness, we should never underestimate the benefits we can derive from taking a medication.
“Before we can determine what else is going on, we need to address your depression.” The blood drained out of my face. Depression? Of all the outcomes I expected from this appointment, a diagnosis of “depression” wasn’t even on the list. It’s just not how I thought of myself. Maybe at other times of my life, but not now.”
Sympathy, empathy, compassion. Simple ideas with complex meanings, teasing out the differences between them can be a challenge.